Synthesis Report - ERTDI Report 50 - Cruikshanks et al , January 2006
Year: 2006
Evaluates the efficacy of the SDI approach to site designation under Irish conditions. The water chemistry of 257 sites across Ireland were examined during base flow. A further 65 sites were sampled at base and elevated flow and more detailed hydrological events were monitored at a smaller number of sites.
Final Report (2000-MS-5-M1) - Lucy et al , May 2005
Year: 2005
This study aims to quantify the total number and biomass of zebra mussels and assess changes to the population during the course of the study. Relevant water parameters and phytoplankton samples were analysed; direct ecological changes were also noted during the project.
Final Report - ERTDI Report 24 - Ó Riain et al , May 2005
Year: 2005
The development of a methodology for identifying water-dependent habitats and hence protected areas with such habitats. It recorded these sites in digital form within a combined database and mapping system and recorded the water-dependent habitats and the species they contain.
Final Report - ERTDI Report 41 - Kurz et al , May 2005
Year: 2005
Project measuring the impact of cattle on soil physical properties relevant to the hydrological characteristics of a site, and assessing whether their presence is likely to influence the quality of the overland flow produced at a site.
ERTDI Report 38 - Final Report - Daly et al , May 2005
Year: 2005
An examination of the impact of soil chemical properties on P sorption and desorption, so that a risk assessment of P loss from soil types could be developed using identifiable soil chemical characteristics.
Final Report (2000-MS-5-M1) - Lucy et al , January 2005
Year: 2005
This study aims to quantify the total number and biomass of zebra mussels and assess changes to the population during the course of the study. Relevant water parameters and phytoplankton samples were analysed; direct ecological changes were also noted during the project.
Synthesis Report - ERTDI Report 27 - Gill et al , January 2005
Year: 2005
The results from four separate field trials at separate sites covering a range of different subsoil types, whereby two sites were discharging septic tank effluent into conventional percolation areas and the other two were discharging secondary treated effluent from a peat filter into similar percolation areas.
Final Report (2002-W-DS/11-M1)- Irvine et al , January 2005
Year: 2005
Identifies and reviews many situations where mathematical modelling can be a useful tool to assist in the understanding of hydrological and chemical transport and processes that occur in catchments, and the ecological response to anthropogenic alterations that affect them.
Final Report - ERTDI Report 31 - Kelly-Quinn et al , January 2005
Year: 2005
A survey of 50 sites previously classified as high quality by the EPA, to determine whether they were of high ecological status (and thus could be used as reference conditions) and to use these spatial reference sites to develop the river typology for the Water Framework Directive.
Final Report (2000-MS-2-M2)- Tarrant et al , January 2005
Year: 2005
A study that asks whether Irish rivers contain estrogenic compounds. If so, at what concentrations? Are these levels likely to pose a threat to aquatic ecosystems, particularly wild fish? Is there a risk to drinking water supplies?
Final Report (2000-MS-2-M2)- Tarrant et al , January 2005
Year: 2005
A study that asks whether Irish rivers contain estrogenic compounds. If so, at what concentrations? Are these levels likely to pose a threat to aquatic ecosystems, particularly wild fish? Is there a risk to drinking water supplies?
Final Report (2000-LS-2.2.2-M2) - Nasr et al , January 2005
Year: 2005
Report on the use of modelling non-point phosphorus loss from rural catchments in terms of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) objectives. The study focuses on physically based catchment-scale models which to date have not been applied to model phosphorus losses in Ireland.
Final Report - ERTDI Report 24 - Ó Riain et al , January 2005
Year: 2005
The development of a methodology for identifying water-dependent habitats and hence protected areas with such habitats. It recorded these sites in digital form within a combined database and mapping system and recorded the water-dependent habitats and the species they contain.
Final Report (2002-W-DS/7-M1) - Buss et al , January 2004
Year: 2004
The principal aim of this project was to develop a methodology for the derivation of the natural background quality for Irish groundwater bodies (it was not the intention to determine the composition of pristine groundwater bodies). International groundwater characterisation methodologies were also reviewed.
Literature Review for project 2000-MS-15-M1 - Gill et al , January 2004
Year: 2004
Review of literature
Final Report - ERTDI Report 13 - Jennings et al , May 2003
Year: 2003
Study of phosphate discharges to water bodies, as part of the large-scale study
Final Report - ERTDI Report 14 - K. Daly & A. Casey, May 2003
Year: 2003
This project on soil P testing questions conventional sample depth, sample pre-treatment, choice of extractant and extract ratios against a background of dissolved reactive P (DRP) and suspended solids (SS) concentrations monitored from the same sample sites.
Final Report - ERTDI Report 1 - Irvine et al , May 2002
Year: 2002
Desk study to review monitoring and research requirements for implementing the Water Framework Directive, and the state of preparation of Ireland within the timescale and milestones prescribed.