Latest Water

in: Research

Norovirus in wastewater and shellfisheries- Summary of findings

STRIVE 109 - Bill Dore, John Flannery, Sinead Keaveney, Paulina Rajko-Neneow, February 2014

Year: 2014

This project looks at the effect of waste waster discharges containing Norovirus on shelfish

Summary of findings: Assessment and Monitoring of Ocean Noise in Irish Waters

2 page summary of findings for STRIVE 120 - Assessment and Monitoring of Ocean Noise in Irish Waters, January 2014

Year: 2014

Sources of anthropogenic (man-made) ocean noise include noise emitted from activities such as shipping, seismic surveying, geophysical surveying, construction, oil drilling and production, dredging, sonar systems, acoustic deterrents and most recently from the construction and operation of renewable energy platforms.

STRIVE 120 - Assessment and Monitoring of Ocean Noise in Irish Waters

STRIVE 120 - Suzanne Beck, Ian O'Connor, Simon Berrow, Joanne O'Brien, January 2014

Year: 2014

Sources of anthropogenic (man-made) ocean noise include noise emitted from activities such as shipping, seismic surveying, geophysical surveying, construction, oil drilling and production, dredging, sonar systems, acoustic deterrents and most recently from the construction and operation of renewable energy platforms. Anthropogenic ocean noise can elicit a range of physical, physiological and behavioural effects on marine animals.

STRIVE 109 - Norovirus in Wastewater and Shellfish

STRIVE 109 - Bill Dore, John Flannery, Sinead Keaveney, Paulina Rajko-Neneow, December 2013

Year: 2013

This project looks at the effect of waste waster discharges containing Norovirus on shelfish

STRIVE 117 - Monitoring of Priority Substances in Waste Water Effluents

STRIVE 117 - Fiona Regan, Ambrose Furey, Kevin James, Micheal Cahill, Lisa Jones, James Chapman, Antoin Lawlor, Mary Stack, December 2013

Year: 2013

This project represents an important collaboration between two research centres (Dublin City University and Cork Institute of Technology) with analytical expertise, and three councils (Fingal, Cork and Dublin Councils), building capability to establish risk factors for PSs and PHSs.

Regional-Scale Assessment of Submarine Groundwater Discharge Using Remote Sensing

Development of Remote Sensing as a Tool for Detection, Quantification and Evaluation of Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD) to Irish Coastal Waters, October 2013

Year: 2013

Recent advances in remote sensing provide an affordable tool with which to evaluate contamination of coastal waters from Submarine Groundwater Discharge (SGD).

Water Joint Programming Initiative Pilot Call Pre-Announcement

REVISED Version, September 2013

Year: 2013

This Pilot Call for proposals aims to enable multi-national, collaborative research, development and innovation projects addressing the topic “Emerging water contaminants – anthropogenic pollutants and pathogens”.

Water saving technologies to reduce water consumption and wastewater production

Year: 2013

Dr Donata Dubber and Dr Laurence Gill - Water saving technologies to reduce water consumption and wastewater production in Irish households

Ecosystem Indicators for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)

MSFD-Support Research on OSPAR Ecological Quality Objectives, May 2013

Year: 2013

STRIVE Report 105 - Samuel Shephard, David G. Reid, Deirdre Brophy, Rick Officer and Ian O’Connor

Summary of Findings - Ecosystem indicators for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)

Authors: Samuel Shephard, Deirdre Brophy, Rick Officer, Ian O’Connor & David Reid, May 2013

Year: 2013

Summary of Findings - STRIVE Report 105

Ireland’s Environmental Researchers & Framework Programme FP7

Key Achievements of FP7, March 2013

Year: 2013

Achievements of FP7

Joint Programme Initiative: Water – Challenges for a Changing World

EPA leaflet highlighting Irish involvement with European Joint Programming Initative on 'Water – Challenges for a Changing World', February 2013

Year: 2013

EPA leaflet highlighting Irish involvement with European Joint Programming Initative on 'Water – Challenges for a Changing World'

Summary of Findings - Evaluating the influence of groundwater pressures on groundwater-dependent wetlands

Authors: Sarah Kimberley and Catherine Coxon, February 2013

Year: 2013

Summary of Findings - STRIVE Report 100

Water Framework Directive – The Application Of Mathematical Models As Decision-Support Tools (2002-W-DS-11) Final Report

Final Report (2002-W-DS/11-M1)- Irvine et al , January 2013

Year: 2013

Identifies and reviews many situations where mathematical modelling can be a useful tool to assist in the understanding of hydrological and chemical transport and processes that occur in catchments, and the ecological response to anthropogenic alterations that affect them.

Water Framework Directive – The Application of Mathematical Models As Decision Support Tools

Synthesis Report - ERTDI Report 29 - Irvine et al , January 2013

Year: 2013

Identifies and reviews many situations where mathematical modelling can be a useful tool to assist in the understanding of hydrological and chemical transport and processes that occur in catchments, and the ecological response to anthropogenic alterations that affect them.

Endocrine Disruptors In The Irish Aquatic Environment

Synthesis Report - ERTDI Report 32 - Tarrant et al , January 2013

Year: 2013

A study that asks whether Irish rivers contain estrogenic compounds. If so, at what concentrations? Are these levels likely to pose a threat to aquatic ecosystems, particularly wild fish? Is there a risk to drinking water supplies?

Nutrient Levels And The Zebra Mussel Population In Lough Key

ERTDI Report 34 - Synthesis Report - Lucy et al , January 2013

Year: 2013

A study to quantify the total number and biomass of zebra mussels and to assess any changes to the population during the course of the study. Relevant water parameters and phytoplankton samples were analysed; direct ecological changes were also noted during the project.

Eutrophication From Agricultural Sources: A Comparison Of SWAT, HSPF And SHETRAN/GOPC Phosphorus Models For Three Irish Catchments

Synthesis Report - ERTDI Report 39 - Nasr et al , January 2013

Year: 2013

Report on the use of modelling non-point phosphorus loss from rural catchments in terms of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) objectives. The study focuses on physically based catchment-scale models which to date have not been applied to model phosphorus losses in Ireland.

Impact Assessment Of Highway Drainage On Surface Water Quality - Final Report

Final Report (2000-MS-13-M2)- Bruen et al , January 2013

Year: 2013

Assesses the environmental impacts of road run-off, including a review of existing practice in road drainage design and maintenance for rural dual carriageways and motorways in Ireland, and the assessment of any environmental impacts of such run-off.

Evaluation Of The Use Of The Sodium Dominance Index As A Potential Measure Of Acid Sensitivity - Final Report

Final Report (2000-LS-3.2.1a-M2) - Cruikshanks et al , January 2013

Year: 2013

Evaluates the efficacy of the SDI approach to site designation under Irish conditions. The water chemistry of 257 sites across Ireland were examined during base flow. A further 65 sites were sampled at base and elevated flow, and more detailed hydrological events were monitored at a smaller number of sites.
