End-of-waste criteria in Ireland

Levels of end-of-waste criteria

There are three levels of end-of-waste criteria that can be utilised in Ireland, as illustrated below:

Levels of End-of-Waste Criteria in Ireland

In order to legally recover material from waste and for that material to cease to be waste (meet end-of-waste),

  • the producer (waste operator) must hold an appropriate waste authorisation and any other relevant consents, which may include appropriate planning permission;
  • applicable end-of-waste criteria must be available to utilise; and
  • the producer must demonstrate that the applicable end-of-waste are met.


European end-of-waste criteria

End-of-waste criteria have been set at European level for a number of materials, with further criteria also under development as set out in the table below.

End-of-waste Material Reference no. Status Link to criteria
Iron, steel and aluminium scrap EU 333/2011 Available for use Council Regulation (EU) N° 333/2011
Glass cullet EU 1179/2012 Available for use Commission Regulation (EU) N° 1179/2012
Copper scrap EU 715/2013 Available for use Commission Regulation (EU) N° 715/2013
Recycled plastics - Under development

(Expected to be available Q4 2024/ Q1 2025. See The commission starts to develop end-of-waste criteria for plastic waste (europa.eu) for further information

Textiles - Planned for development in 2023

(Development planned to begin in 2023)

In order to produce recycled aggregates in accordance with the National End-of-Waste Criteria-Recycled Aggregates  (EoW-N001/2023) a registration must be made by the producer in advance of production. A list of producers can be found on the EPA’s End-of-Waste Register along with details of how to register.

For more information refer to European Union level end-of-waste criteria.


National end-of-waste criteria

National end-of-waste criteria have been developed by the EPA for recycled aggregate as set out in the table below.

End-of-waste material Reference no. Status Link to the criteria & supporting documents
Recycled aggregates EoW - N001/2023

Available for use.

  1. National End-of-Waste Criteria-Recycled Aggregates
  2. Explanatory Note

In order to produce recycled aggregates in accordance with the National End-of-Waste Criteria-Recycled Aggregates  (EoW-N001/2023) a registration must be made by the producer in advance of production. A list of producers can be found on the EPA’s End-of-Waste Register.

How to Register

In order to register as a producer of recycled aggregate in accordance with the National End-of-Waste Criteria-Recycled Aggregates  (EoW-N001/2023),  the producer must hold an appropriate waste authorisation for the recovery activity. Where a producer intends to produce recycled aggregates under multiple waste authorisation, a separate registration should be made for each waste authorisation.

To make a registration complete the following steps:

  1. Sign up or log on to the EPA's EDEN portal. Refer to 'Guidance on How to Register for EDEN'.
  2. Request access to the ‘Circular Economy Module’ in EDEN. Wait for your application request to be approved by the EPA.
  3. Launch the Circular Economy Module.
  4. Select Apply and End-of-Waste from the toolbar.
  5. Complete the end-of-waste registration form.

If you have queries or issues in relation to EDEN, please submit these to eden@epa.ie.
If you have queries in relation to the end-of-waste registration form, please submit these to article 28@epa.ie.

Information supplied in a notification, including the registration form will be published on the EPA website via the End-of-Waste Register.


Post Registration

When a registration form is submitted to the EPA, the registration will be assigned a registration reference number and details of the registration will be entered on the above End-of-Waste Register.

The producer will receive an email with a copy of the registration form for their records, including the registration reference number.

The relevant environmental enforcement authority shall receive an alert when a waste authorisation within their remit has been added to the register. The National Waste Collection Permit Office shall also be alerted. The environmental enforcement authority may decide to undertake site visits or request records.

Once registered, the producer may commence production of recycled aggregate in accordance with the National End-of-Waste Criteria-Recycled Aggregates (EoW-N001/2023), provided they hold appropriate authorisation for the recovery activity.



Where a producer ceases production in accordance with a registration, the producer should de-register. Registrations should also be de-registered if a waste authorisation has expired, with a new registration made for production under any revised/reviewed waste authorisation.

To de-register complete the following steps:

  1. Log on to the EPA's EDEN portal.
  2. Launch the Circular Economy Module.
  3. Select Notify/manage and My Authorisations from the toolbar.
  4. Click on the relevant registration number
  5. Under Quick Actions in the Dashboard, select de-register button and complete the de-registration step.

The registration will then display as de-registered on the End-of-Waste Register.


Single-case decisions

The EPA have made decisions on single case applications as set out in the Table below. Please note the criteria are only available to the producer who applied for the criteria.

End-of-waste material Reference no. Producer Date determined Link to decision
Recycled plastics (LDPE) Art28-0027 Irish Packaging Recycling Ltd. 12th June 2018 EoW Criteria Art28-0027 Irish packaging recycling

Recycled aggregates


Integrated materials solutions limited partnership

16th July 2019

Decision withdrawn following publication of the National end-of-waste Criteria for recycled aggregates

Recycled aggregates


Starrus Eco Holding limited, T/A Panda Greenstar

13th August 2019

Decision withdrawn following publication of the National end-of-waste Criteria for recycled aggregates

Pulverised fuel ash and furnace bottom ash




Electrical Supply Board (ESB)


10th September 2019

Eow Criteria Art28-0014 ESB

24th August 2023

ART28-0014 - Technical Amendment A

Recycled plastics (PET)


Shabra Recycling Limited

15th October 2019

Eow Criteria Art28-0036 Shabra recycling

Ammonium sulphate


Enva Ireland Limited

3rd July 2020

Eow Criteria Art28-0028 Enva

Recycled plastics (PP & PE)


ADN Materials Limited

5th November 2020

Eow Criteria Art28-0032 ADN Materials

Graded wood briquettes


Conroy group (T/A Flamers)

21st July 2021

Eow Criteria Art28-0031 Flamers

Calcium fluoride additive


John Gannon Concrete Limited (t/a Gannon ECO)

14th September 2021

Eow Criteria Art28-0041 Gannon ECO



Tiger Woodchip Limited

30th November 2021

Eow Criteria Art28-0038 Tiger Woodchip

Recycled plastics (mixed plastics)


Green Generation Ireland Limited

17th May 2022

Eow Criteria Art28-0061 Green generation

Recycled aggregates


Shannon Valley Plant Hire

11th October 2022

Decision withdrawn following publication of the National end-of-waste Criteria for recycled aggregates

Recycled aggregates


Enva Ireland Limited

11th October 2022

Decision withdrawn following publication of the National end-of-waste Criteria for recycled aggregates

Polyethylene terephthalate (PET) pellet


Novelplast Teoranta

2nd July 2024

EoW Criteria Art28-0083 Novelplast

Recycled Polyester Pads ceasing to be Waste


Cirtex Ltd.

1st October 2024

EOW Criteria Art28-0089 Cirtex