Consultation Draft of the EPA's SEA Process Checklist to assist in undertaking a full SEA. This has been updated in January 2024 Also included is our SEA Scoping Checklist, also contained in our SEA Pack, but extracted for ease of use. This can also help with the Scoping Stage of the process. , January 2013
Year: 2013
Consultation Draft of the Environmental Protection Agency's SEA Process Checklist to assist in undertaking a full SEA
Year: 2012
Executive summary of the findings of the national study to determine the effectiveness of SEA in Ireland related to the Regional Planning Guidelines. Recommendations are put forward in relation to guidance, training & awareness, data collection/provision & sharing and governance and legislation.
This is the report of the review of effectiveness review of SEA in Ireland in relation to the Regional Planning Guidelines., December 2012
Year: 2012
Findings of the review of the effectiveness of SEA in Ireland in relation to the Regional Planning Guidelines
Year: 2012
Through the National SEA (Environmental Authority) Technical Forum the 5 SEA statutory environmental authorities in Ireland have jointly developed an SEA Action Plan to implement the key priority recommendations of the SEA Effectiveness Review. The implementation of this Action Plan will be dependent on a shared responsibility in delivering the key priority recommendations.
Year: 2012
The key findings and recommendations from the 'Effectiveness Review of SEA in Ireland' are presented in this report. Recommendations are included to address issues relating to guidance, training & awareness, data collection, provision & sharing and governance and legislation.
Year: 2012
This document summarises the key findings and recommendations of the 'Review of Effectiveness of SEA in Ireland' main report.
Year: 2009
Register of former mine sites and tailings ponds (1996)
Year: 2009
This joint project created an inventory of Irelands Historic Mine Sites. The investigations assess the potential risk posed by these sites to humans, animal health and the surrounding environment.
Year: 2008
This fourth state of the environment report evaluates the state of the environment across a number of themes including, climate change, water quality, air quality and emissions, waste, chemicals, land, soil, biodiversity and environmental noise.
Environmental Indicators for Ireland, May 2006
Year: 2006
This is the third indicator report prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency that sets out, using key indicators, the current state of the environment, trends over time and the underlying causes of environmental damage. It also examines the main environmental challenges for the key economic sectors in Ireland.
Year: 2005
The EPA, the Geological Survey of Ireland and the Exploration & Mining Division of the Department of Communication, Marine & Natural Resources are undertaking a joint project. The project will carry out detailed site investigations and characterisaton on priority historic mine sites in Ireland. The attached doucment is the project proposal associated with the project.
Year: 2004
Cattle deaths from lead poisoning in 1999 on a farm in Silvermines, Co Tipperary, triggered a comprehensive investigation. This report presents the expert group’s final recommendations for guideline values for lead in the environment and provids guidance on human health, animal health and the environment. The report also set out additional work and research needs.
Ireland's environment 2004, April 2004
Year: 2004
Ireland's environment 2004
Year: 2003
Report by EPA on an investigation of the Tynagh Mine site including recommendations in relation to ongoing management of the site. The report does not deal with the ultimate remediation and rehabilitation of the site.
Key Environmental Indicators for Ireland, May 2003
Year: 2003
This is the second indicator report prepared by the Environmental Protection Agency that sets out, using key indicators, the current state of the environment, trends over time and the underlying causes of environmental damage. It also examines the main environmental challenges for the key economic sectors in Ireland.
Year: 2003
To successfully implement the SEA Directive requirements, plan-makers need to apply best practice techniques where possible. This should be part of an overall approach that makes it easy to comply with the SEA Directive and which also promotes sustainable development. This project aims to develop an SEA methodology that meets these goals.
Year: 2003
These Advice Notes, available for download below, are designed to accompany the Guidelines on the information to be contained in Environmental Impact Statements (published in 2002). They will be updated to follow the publication of the updated Guidelines on the information to be contained in Environmental Impact Assessment Reports (EIAR) published in May 2022.
Year: 2002
The EPA published an interim report in 2002 of an expert group established to formulate guidelines on the management of lead in the environment. This interim report considered guideline values and guidance in relation to protection of human health, animal health and the environment in the Silvermines area.
Year: 2002
This discussion document assembles existing information on soil in Ireland and the pressures on this valuable resource. A key recommendation in the report is the need for the development of a soil protection strategy for Ireland, including the development of a national soil quality monitoring programme and the selection of a set of indicators which are representative of soil quality.
Year: 2001
This discussion document aimed to establish the total amount of phosphorous (organic and chemical) applied to agricultural land in 1998 and the contribution from various farming and agri-industry activities.