Year: 2016
Year: 2016
Year: 2016
Ireland's Environment 2016 provides an update on the environmental challenges that we face both nationally and globally. The report adds to a range of thematic and research reports available from the EPA that cover many of the issues reported on in more detail.
Year: 2016
Ireland's Environment 2016 provides an update on the environmental challenges that we face both nationally and globally. The report adds to a range of thematic and research reports available from the EPA that cover many of the issues reported on in more detail.
Year: 2015
Alternatives are fundamental to the Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) process. This research report makes recommendations for how to incorporate good practice when considering alternatives in the plan and SEA making process. It also sets out a methodology for how to develop and assess alternatives when carrying out SEA.
Year: 2015
The Manual provides a step by step guide to the SEA and plan-making process with a view to promoting integration between the key stages of both processes. It has been prepared for Local and Regional Authorities by the Western Regional Authority (WRA) in association with the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA). Note: This version was reviewed/updated in 2015.
Year: 2015
CORINE 2012 has been released by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), this is an update in the CORINE data series. It is produced by the EPA for the European Environment Agency. This is a national landuse landcover dataset for 2012 produced at a 25 hectare resolution.
Dioxin Levels in the Irish Environment 2014 - raw data, September 2014
Year: 2014
Raw data for dioxins 2014 - see 2014 Annual Air Quality Report for full report on dioxin survey 2014.
Year: 2013
The five-volume report (plus a Summary document) gives an account of the investigations into animal health problems in the Askeaton area of Co. Limerick, carried out in the period 1995—1998. The volumes are as follows: Main Report (and Summary); Animal Health; Soil, Herbage, Feed & Water; Human Health; Environmental Quality.
Year: 2013
Ireland's Environment 2012 provides an integrated assessment of the overall quality of Ireland's environment, the pressures being placed on it and the societal responses to current and emerging environmental issues.
Year: 2013
The protocol outlines details of a system for investigating serious animal and human health problems which may arise and for which explanations are not readily obvious.
Year: 2013
This leaflet explains how climate change issues can be considered in strategic environmental assessment (SEA), with particular reference to the requirements of European Directive 2001/42/EC (the "SEA Directive"). It explains what climate change impacts are and how they can be described, predicted and addressed.