Office of Environmental Sustainability

The Office of the Environmental Sustainability has a wide remit that aims to achieve a well-regulated, climate-resilient, resource-efficient and environmentally engaged society that ensures protection of the environment, transition to a circular economy, wellbeing of citizens and competitiveness for our economy. The office is responsible for:

  • Authorisation of specified activities (licensing of large Industrial and waste activities under the Industrial Emission Directive (IED), Integrated Pollution Control (IPC) and Waste Regulations; Urban Wastewater Discharges; Dumping at Sea; Historic landfills, Volatile Organic Compound emissions; GMO (Genetically Modified Organism) users in Ireland and Local Authority recycling activities.
  • EU Carbon Emissions Trading, Registry Operation and Kyoto Project Mechanisms.
  • Delivery of The Circular Economy Programme which incorporates implementation of the National Waste Prevention Programme.
  • Reporting on national waste statistics, and implementing national waste characterisation programmes.
  • End of waste and by-product assessment and decision making.
  • Implementing multiple hazardous substances reduction and elimination programmes including preparation and co-ordination of the National Hazardous Waste Management Plan.
  • Production of targeted information, advice and guidance to assist compliance and enable behavioural change to support transition to a resource efficient circular economy.

Learn More

Find out more about licensing section activities

Find out more about Circular Economy

Find out more about Waste Prevention, Waste Classification and Waste Statistics

Find out more about producer responsibility and chemicals control at: