G0493-01 Consent Conditions

Year: 2013

G0493-01 Consent Conditions issued to Intervet International BV on 10 April 2013 for veterinary trial using a genetically modified vaccine

A Resource Opportunity

Waste Management Policy in Ireland, April 2013

Year: 2013

This policy document sets out the measure through which Ireland will make the further pogress necessary to become a recycling society, with a clear focus on resource efficiency and the virtual elimination of landfilling of municipal waste. This is a Department of Environment, Community and Local Government publication.

G0498-01 Inspector's Report

Year: 2013

All documentation submitted in respect of this notification was taken into consideration by the EPA Inspector in her report to the Board of the Agency

Board Minute Extract of 25 June 2013

Year: 2013

An extract from the minutes of the EPA Board Meeting of 25 June 2013 at which the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Therapeutics' notification seeking consent to carry out a clinical trial at St James's Hospital Dublin was discussed

Technical Dossier Non-Confidential

Year: 2013

Environmental Risk Assessment Dossier (in accordance with Schedule II, SI 500 of 2003) for proposed Clinical Trial G0498-01

Summary Notification Information Format G0498-01

Year: 2013

Summary Notification Information Format for proposed Clinical Trial G0498-01

Environmental Risk Assessment Dossier

Year: 2013

Environmental Risk Assessment Dossier for Clinical Trial G0498-01

Part D Conclusions G0498-01

Year: 2013

Conclusions on the potential environmental impact from the release or the placing on the market of genetically modified organisms, re G0498-01

GMO Register G0498-01

Year: 2013

The GMO Register entry provides significant details of the clinical trial

Requests for further information and replies

Year: 2013

Requests from the Agency to the notifier for additional information, and the responses received.

G0498-01 Consent Conditions

Year: 2013

G0498-01 Consent Condition issued to The Centre for Cellular and Molecular Therapeutics at the Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, USA, on 3 July 2013 for a clinical trial using a Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) at St. James's Hospital Dublin

Environmental Objectives Regulations (EO Regs) Review Form

Year: 2013

Environmental Objectives Regulations (EO Regs) Review Form

Dept of the Environment circular re: UWWT Regulations 1994

Year: 2013

The purpose of this circular is to briefly outline the main provisions of the Urban Waste Water Treatment Regulations 1994, and the implications for Sanitary Authorities.

Dept of Environment Circular letter L8/8 dealing with Appropiate Assessment (from 2008)

Year: 2013

The purpose of this Circular letter is to provide Local Authorities with basic guidance on identifying potential issues relating to protection of natural heritage (including sites, habitats and species) and archaeological heritage.

Waste Water Discharge Application Form - Section F2

Abstraction Points Template, January 2013

Year: 2013

Detailed information is required to enable the Agency to assess the existing receiving environment. This section requires the provision of information on the ambient environmental conditions within the receiving water(s) upstream and downstream of any discharge(s).

GIS Data Guidance Note

Year: 2013

This guidance note has been prepated to assist applicants in submitting electronic information on facility location

Waste Water Discharge Licence - Application Form

Year: 2013

This form is for the purpose of making an application for a Waste Water Discharge Licence under the Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007 as amended or for the review of an existing Waste Water Discharge Licence.

Waste Water Discharge Licensing Appropriate Assessment Guidance Notes

Year: 2013

This note has been prepared to assist the Water Services Authorities in the Appropriate Assessment process in relation to waste water authorisations pursuant to the Waste Water Discharge (Authorisation) Regulations 2007 as amended.

Response from Teagasc 14 June 2012

Year: 2013

Correspondence from Teagasc regarding 4 April 2012 and 23 May 2012 requests for further information

Response from Teagasc 11 April Part 2

Year: 2013

Teagasc's response, dated 11 April 2012, to EPA's request for further information, Part 2
