Air icon

Natura Impact Statement (NIS) submitted by Roadstone Ltd.

Year: 2022

Natura Impact Statement (NIS) submitted by Roadstone Ltd.

E0010-01 Appropriate Assessment Public Consultation Notice - published 05/05/2022 and revised on 20/06/2022

Year: 2022

E0010-01 Appropriate Assessment Public Consultation Notice - published 05/05/2022 and revised on 20/06/2022

Request for alterations that likely cannot be accommodated by Technical Amendment (Waste and Industrial Waste Licences)

Year: 2022

Technical Amendments (TAs) for Waste/Industrial Emission Waste licences

Activity level changes report template for new entrants, cessations and annual activity level

Year: 2022

A spreadsheet for activity level changes report template for new entrants, cessations and annual activity level

Request for alterations that likely cannot be accommodated by Technical Amendment (Waste and Industrial Waste Licences)

Year: 2022

Technical Amendments (TAs) for Waste/Industrial Emission Waste licences

Cover image of the IRR19 Guidance publication

Guidance for undertakings on the application of the Ionising Radiation Regulations (IRR19)

Year: 2022

Guidance document which will assist undertakings to comply with their legal requirements under the Ionising Radiation Regulations 2019.
