G0726-01 GMO Register Entry

Year: 2020

The GMO Register Entry provides significant details of the clinical trial.

G0726-01 Inspectors Report

Year: 2020

All documentation submitted in respect of this notification was taken into consideration by the EPA inspector in her report to the Board of the Agency.

G0726-01 Consent Conditions

Year: 2020

G0726-01 Consent conditions issued to Wellcome-HRB Clinical Research facility, St James's Hospital, James's Street, Dublin 8 and Children's Health Ireland, Temple Street, Dublin 1 on 13 March 2020 for the deliberate release of a GMO at Wellcome-HRB Clinical Research Facility, St James's Hospital.

IE-GHG057-10372-4 Pfizer Ireland Pharmaceuticals (Newbridge)

Year: 2020

A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit authorises the holder to undertake named activities resulting in emissions of carbon dioxide from the listed emission points. It also contains requirements that must be met in respect of such emissions, including monitoring and reporting requirements.

Newspaper advert

Year: 2020

Newspaper advertisement in accordance with Article 15 of the GMO (Deliberate Release) Regulations S.I. No 500 of 2003, informing members of the public of the proposed deliberate release and inviting representations.

Summary Notification Information Format (SNIF)

Year: 2020

This SNIF (SNIF Notification No: B/IE/20/01) will be added to a publicly available EU Register.

How to make representations to the EPA about a proposed GM release

Year: 2020

This information note outlines the procedure involved in making a representation to the EPA in respect of this proposed deliberate release, GMO Register No: G0726-01; SNIF Notification No: B/IE/20/01.

IE-GHG168-10430-4 DuPont Nutrition Manufacturing Ireland Limited

IE-GHG168-10430-3 DuPont Nutrition Manufacturing Ireland Limited, February 2020

Year: 2020

A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit authorises the holder to undertake named activities resulting in emissions of carbon dioxide from the listed emission points. It also contains requirements that must be met in respect of such emissions, including monitoring and reporting requirements.

IE-GHG003-10336-4 Arrabawn Cooperative Society Limited

Year: 2020

A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit authorises the holder to undertake named activities resulting in emissions of carbon dioxide from the listed emission points. It also contains requirements that must be met in respect of such emissions, including monitoring and reporting requirements.

IE-GHG184-10508-4 Amazon Data Services Ireland Limited

Year: 2020

A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit authorises the holder to undertake named activities resulting in emissions of carbon dioxide from the listed emission points. It also contains requirements that must be met in respect of such emissions, including monitoring and reporting requirements.

IE-GHG037-10360-4 FarraghProteins

College Proteins , January 2020

Year: 2020

A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit authorises the holder to undertake named activities resulting in emissions of carbon dioxide from the listed emission points. It also contains requirements that must be met in respect of such emissions, including monitoring and reporting requirements.

IE-GHG123-10405-3 College Proteins

Year: 2020

A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit authorises the holder to undertake named activities resulting in emissions of carbon dioxide from the listed emission points. It also contains requirements that must be met in respect of such emissions, including monitoring and reporting requirements.

IE-GHG171-10464-5 Amazon Data Services Ireland Limited

Year: 2020

A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit authorises the holder to undertake named activities resulting in emissions of carbon dioxide from the listed emission points. It also contains requirements that must be met in respect of such emissions, including monitoring and reporting requirements.

IE-GHG045-10366-4 Premier Periclase Limited

Year: 2020

A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit authorises the holder to undertake named activities resulting in emissions of carbon dioxide from the listed emission points. It also contains requirements that must be met in respect of such emissions, including monitoring and reporting requirements.

Waste Licence Process Flow Diagram

Year: 2020

This flow chart gives a summary of the waste licence application process from date of receipt of an application until a final licence issues. It shows the various stages, timeframes and statutory notices.

First Schedule to the EPA Act 1992 as amended

Year: 2020

This Schedule is an extract from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Act 1992 as amended, listing the activities that require an Industrial Emissions licence (highlighted in blue) or an IPC licence

IE-GHG094-10395-7 Dublin Airport Authority Public Limited

Year: 2019

A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit authorises the holder to undertake named activities resulting in emissions of carbon dioxide from the listed emission points. It also contains requirements that must be met in respect of such emissions, including monitoring and reporting requirements.

Addendum to 2006 Guidelines for the Assessment of Dredged Material in Irish Waters (Marine Institute, 2019)

Year: 2019

Addendum to 2006 Guidelines for the Assessment of Dredged Material in Irish Waters (Marine Institute, 2019)

Guidelines for the Assessment of Dredge Material for Disposal in Irish Waters 2006

Year: 2019

Guidelines for the Assessment of Dredge Material for Disposal in Irish Waters 2006

IE-GHG194-10521-02 Takeda Dunboyne Biologics Limited

Year: 2019

A Greenhouse Gas Emissions Permit authorises the holder to undertake named activities resulting in emissions of carbon dioxide from the listed emission points. It also contains requirements that must be met in respect of such emissions, including monitoring and reporting requirements.
