Guidance to Licensees on Surrender, Cessation and Closure of Licensed sites

Year: 2012

Guidance document on Surrender, Cessation, Closure of licensed sites.

Guidance on the setting of trigger values for storm water discharges to off site surface waters at EPA licenced IPPC and waste facilities

Year: 2012

This guidance sets out the Agency’s requirements on how licensees should establish and maintain trigger levels on storm water discharges from their sites. This guidance includes advice on baseline monitoring, result assessment in order to select appropriate parameters and trigger values and suitable response procedures.

Template Letter Professional Body to Qualified Person (Historic Landfills)

Year: 2012


Template Letter Qualified Person to Local Authority Historic Landfill

Year: 2012

Historic Landfill Template Letter Qualified Person to Local Authority

Additional information for the Contained use of a Class 3 GMM

Year: 2012

Additional information to be submitted with a notification for the contained use of a Class 3 GMM under the GMO (Contained Use) Regulations 2001 to 2010. This covers information required under Part A of the Fifth Schedule and further information for the assessment of the notification.

BAT Guidance Note - Waste Sector (Transfer & Materials Recovery)

Year: 2011

BAT Guidance Note - Waste Sector (Transfer & Materials Recovery) - Dec 2011

BAT Guidance Note - Waste Sector (Landfill)

Year: 2011

BAT Guidance Note - Waste Sector (Landfill) - Dec 2011

GMO Register Entry

Year: 2011

The GMO Register Entry G0451-01 provides significant details of the clinical trial.

Final Report

Year: 2011

This is the final report on the malaria vaccine trial. The report details an overview of the clinical trial and the methodology and results of the trial.

Inspector's Report

Year: 2011

All documentation submitted in respect of this notification was taken into consideration by the EPA inspector in her report to the Board of the Agency.

Consent Conditions

Year: 2011

Consent Conditions issued to Professor Samuel McConkey, Royal College of Surgeons in Ireland, to carry out a clinical trial on patients to assess the safety and immunogenicity of a new malaria vaccine, using two Genetically Modified Micro-Organisms (GMMs), at Beaumont Hospital in Dublin, from September 2011 to December 2012.

Guidelines for BSC BSO

Year: 2011

There is a statutory requirement under Part A of the 5th Schedule of the Genetically Modified Organisms (Contained Use) Regulations, 2001 to 2010, to provide details of any biological committees or subcommittees.

Third & Fourth Schedules to Waste Management Act 1996 as amended

Year: 2011

These schedules are an extract from the Waste Management Act 1996 as amended, detailing the disposal and recovery activities that require a waste licence.

Additional information for the contained use of a Class 1 / 2 GMM

Year: 2011

Additional information to be submitted with a notification for the contained use of a Class 1 / 2 GMM under the GMO (Contained Use) Regulations 2001 to 2010. This covers information required under Part A of the Fifth Schedule and further information for the assessment of the notification.

Additional information for the contained use of a GMO

Year: 2011

Additional information to be submitted with a notification for the contained use of a GMO (GM Aminal/ GM Plant) under the GMO (Contained Use) Regulations 2001 to 2010. This covers information required under Part I of the Seventh Schedule and further information for the assessment of the notification. Please view Guidelines for those who plan to work with GM animals / GM plants.

Inspector's Report

Year: 2010

All documentation submitted in respect of this notification was taken into consideration by the EPA inspector in her report to the Board of the Agency.

Consent Conditions

Year: 2010

Consent Conditions G0362-01 issued to Applied Genetics Technologies Corporation, USA, to carry out a clinical trial on patients suffering from alpha-1 antitrypsin deficiency, using a Genetically Modified Micro-Organism (GMM). This trial did not proceed.

GMO Register Entry

Year: 2010

The GMO Register Entry provides significant details of the clinical trial.

BAT Guidance Note for the Production of Paper Pulp, Paper & Board

Year: 2010

BAT Guidance Note for the Production of Paper Pulp. Paper & Board

BAT Guidance Note for the Initial Melting and Production of Iron & Steel Sector

Year: 2010

BAT Guidance Note for the Initial Melting and Production of Iron & Steel Sector
