report cover with slurry spreader

Ireland's UNECE Submissions 2019

Year: 2019

Ireland's submissions under UNECE Convention on Long-Range Transboundary Air Pollution (CLRTAP) and National Emissions Ceiling Directive (NECD) include the Informative Inventory Report (IIR) and Nomenclature for Reporting (NFR) tables. The IIR and NFR contain detailed information on methodologies, activity data and emission factors and emissions for years 1990-2017.

Guidance Notes to Local Authorities on Implementing a Radon Measurement Programme

Year: 2019

A set of guidelines for local authorities seeking to implement a radon measurement programme.

National Allocation Table Changes 1 2019

Pursuant to Article 10A of Directive 2003/87/EC (NIMs) - Updates due to changes to the operation of an installation , March 2019

Year: 2019

National Allocation Table Changes 1 2019

Pursuant to Article 10A of Directive 2003/87/EC (NIMs) - Updates due to changes to the operation of an installation , March 2019

Year: 2019

Household waste 2017 infographic

Infographic of 2017 Household Waste Data

An overview of Irish household waste statistics for 2017, March 2019

Year: 2019

EPA Registered Radon Remediation Services

Year: 2019

This list of registered radon remediation services is published by the Environmental Protection Agency for the purposes of providing information to members of the public. These registered services are deemed by the Environmental Protection Agency to have met certain criteria and have indicated their compliance with a voluntary code of conduct in order to promote public confidence in the performance of radon remediation.

Understanding Radon Remediation: A Householder’s Guide

Year: 2019

This guide is directed at householders who have been informed they have radon concentrations above the Reference Level in their home. The aim of the Guide is to assist such householders in interpreting their radon test results and in deciding how to deal with the problem.

Second Review of SEA Effectiveness in Ireland - Newsletter 3. February 2019

Year: 2019

The second review of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) effectiveness in Ireland, funded by the EPA, started on the 31st of March 2018. The project goal is to update the progress made in implementing SEA in Ireland and to guide future actions. This is the third Newsletter relating to the project, published in February 2019.

girl on bike

Annual Air Quality Bulletin 2018

Annual Air Quality Bulletin 2018, January 2019

Year: 2019

Annual AQ Bulletin for PM, NO2 and Ozone for the year 2018

Advice on Setting a Reference Level for Radon Concentrations in Long-Stay Institutions

Year: 2019

Advice on Setting a Reference Level for Radon Concentrations in Long-Stay Institutions
