The EPA has developed a system of performance-based indicators to rank industrial and waste licensed sites in order of priority for enforcement. We use the National Priority Sites List to target our enforcement effort at the licensed operators with the poorest environmental performance. This helps us to drive improvements in environmental compliance.

A score is assigned to each licensee based on the scores assigned to them, over the previous six months, under four key indicators of environmental performance and licence compliance:

  • complaints
  • incidents
  • compliance investigations (CIs)
  • non-compliances (NCs) with the licence

Higher scores indicate poorer compliance at a licensed site.

The EPA updates the National Priority Sites list on a quarterly basis.


National Priority Sites Q4 2024

Licensee Sector Issue
North Cork Co-Op Creameries Limited, Co. Cork Food and Drink Discharges to water & air emissions
Timoleague Agri Gen Limited, Co. Cork Anaerobic Digestion Infrastructure & facility management
Tipperary Co-operative Creamery Limited, Co. Tipperary Food and Drink Discharges to water & infrastructure

The EPA has developed a system to rank industrial and waste licensed sites in order of priority for enforcement. The National Priority Sites List will be used to target our enforcement effort at the poorest performing sites in order to drive improvements in environmental compliance.

A score is assigned to each facility based on enforcement factors such as complaints, incidents, compliance investigations (CIs), and non-compliances (NCs) with the licence.

Popular FAQ's

  • How does the National Priority Sites System work?

    In simple terms, each site is given a score based on its licence compliance in the previous six months. The system has four key scoring components: Compliance Investigations, Complaints, Incidents and Non-Compliances.  These are described in more detail below.  The higher the score the poorer the compliance is at a site.

    Compliance Investigations

    A Compliance Investigation (CI) is opened by the EPA when there is an issue on a site that is causing, or has the potential to cause an environmental impact and which requires action by the licensee.  The EPA monitors progress to ensure that the actions required are completed.

    Compliance Investigations are categorised as High, Medium, or Low based on the risk to the environment.  Points are assigned based on the category of the CI and whether it is ‘Open’ or ‘Closed’.

    Compliance Investigations Score Allocations

    CI Rating* Open  Closed
    High 20 points 4 points
    Medium 10 points 2 points
    Low 3 points 1 point
    Note:  Only the top 3 highest scoring CIs are counted    

    * CIs can only be scored as medium/high for odour/noise if a non-compliant odour or noise related issue has been recorded by the OEE during the previous 12 weeks and/or if an action in the CI has not been addressed to the satisfaction of the Agency.


    The National Priority Sites system takes account of the number of complaints from the public which are linked to either a Medium or High compliance investigation.

    Complaints Score Allocation
    1 point per complaint*

    * Complaints must be linked to a Medium or High CI to count towards the score; the maximum score for complaints is 20.


    Operators of licensed facilities are required to notify the EPA on any occasion where there is a breach of a licence condition.  The EPA receives a large number of incidents each year and these are categorised as Minor, Limited, Serious, Very Serious or Catastrophic.  The vast majority of incidents reported to the EPA are minor.

    Points are assigned based on the category of the incident.     

    Incidents Score Allocation
    Catastrophic 30 points
    Very Serious 20 points
    Serious 10 points
    Limited 5 points
    Minor No score

    Non Compliances

    The EPA issues a notification of non-compliance (NC) to a facility when a licence condition is breached. Points are assigned based on the number of non-compliances recorded by the EPA.  A greater weighting is applied if a non-compliance is issued for not notifying the EPA of an incident.

    Non-Compliances Score allocation
    Non-Compliance with licence 1 point
    NC for non-notification of an incident 5 points
  • What is the National Priority Sites System?

    The National Priority Sites system allows the EPA to identify which industrial and waste licensed sites should be prioritised for enforcement based on their environmental performance.

    The list is used to target the EPA’s enforcement effort at the poorest performing sites in order to drive improvements in environmental compliance.

  • To which sites does the National Priority Sites System apply?

    The system applies to active EPA licensed industrial and waste sites only.

    The system does not apply to the following EPA regulated activities:

    • Industries that have ceased their licensed activities
    • Urban wastewater treatment plants (Note 1)
    • Drinking water treatment plants (Note 2)
    • Sites that have a Radiological Protection permit
    • Dumping at Sea permits

    Note 1 – The EPA publishes the Wastewater Priorities for urban waste water treatment plants.

    Note 2 - The EPA publishes a “Remedial Action List” for all public drinking water treatment plants.  

    There are over 700 sites to which the National Priority Sites System is applied currently.  Search the full list of EPA Industrial and Waste licensed activities.


  • What score does a National Priority Site have to achieve?

    A site becomes a National Priority Site when it has a total score of more than 30 points and a CI score of 10 points or more.

  • What time period is used to compile the score?

    The National Priority Sites List is produced by the EPA on a quarterly basis based on data for the previous 6 months.