Have you completed a septic tank system check?

Maintain your wastewater system and you will help to protect your health and local environment, November 2018

Year: 2018

Find out what you need to check to ensure your septic tank system is constructed and maintained properly.

Focus on Private Water Supplies 2017 Infographic

Year: 2018

This Infographic presents the key findings of the Focus on Private Water Supplies Report 2017 in graphic form

Focus on Private Water Supplies 2017

Focus on Private Water Supplies 2017

Year: 2018

This report provides an overview of both the quality and enforcement of private drinking water supplies in Ireland for 2017.

Regional Lough Guitane Public Drinking Water Supply

Year: 2018

Drinking Water Audit Report in respect of Audit carried out on 20.09.18 at the Regional Lough Guitane Drinking Water Supply

Inistioge Public Drinking Water Supply

Year: 2018

Drinking Water Audit Report in respect of Audit carried out on 02.10.18 at the Inistioge Public Drinking Water Supply.

Strancally Drinking Water Supply

Year: 2018

Drinking Water Audit Report in respect of Audit carried out on 18/09/18 at the Strancally Public Drinking Water Supply

National Implementation Plan on POPs SEA Pre-Screening Statement and Determination

National Implementation Plan on Persistent Organic Pollutants SEA Pre-Screening Statement and Determination, November 2018

Year: 2018

Strategic Environmental Assessment Pre-Screening Statement and Determination in relation to the 2018 update on the National Implementation Plan on Persistent Organic Pollutants

Ionising Radiation Regulation - Key Findings from 2017 Inspection and Enforcement Programme

Year: 2018

Ionising Radiation Regulation - Key Findings from 2017 Inspection and Enforcement Programme

Ballyboden Public Drinking Water Supply

Year: 2018

Drinking Water Audit Report in respect of Audit carried out on 19/7/2018 at the Ballyboden Water Treatment Plant and Reservoir Public Drinking Water Supply

Overview of organisational roles under POPs Regulations

Year: 2018

Organisations that are considered to have a key role in the fulfilment of obligations under the EU POPs Regulation and the Stockholm Convention are listed in the national POPs regulations.

Glenary Public Drinking Water Supply

Year: 2018

Drinking Water Audit Report in respect of audit carried out on 06/09/2018 at the Glenary Public Drinking Water Supply.

Grangemore Public Drinking Water Supply

Year: 2018

Drinking Water Audit Report in respect of audit carried out on 07/08/2018 at the Grangemore Public Drinking Water Supply.

Kilkitt Public Drinking Water Supply

Year: 2018

Drinking Water Audit Report in respect of Audit carried out on 18/07/2018 at the Kilkitt Public Drinking Water Supply.

Dunboyne Public Drinking Water Supply

Year: 2018

Drinking Water Audit Report in respect of Audit carried out on 09/02/2018 at the Dunboyne Public Drinking Water Supply.

NIECE Strategy cover

The NIECE Network Strategic Plan 2018 - 2022

Working Together To Make A Difference, October 2018

Year: 2018

The NIECE Network Strategic Plan 2018 - 2022 was produced following engagement with the NIECE membership which includes local authorities, the CCMA, Department of Communications, Climate Action and Environment, the Department of Housing, Planning and Local Government, Inland Fisheries Ireland, the Health Service Executive and the EPA. The Strategy sets out the Vision, Objectives, structure, membership and governance of the Network.

Strancally Drinking Water Supply

Year: 2018

Drinking Water Audit Report in respect of Audit carried out on 18/09/18 at the Strancally Public Drinking Water Supply

Galbally Drinking Water Supply

Year: 2018

Drinking Water Audit Report in respect of Audit carried out on 02/08/2018 at Galbally Public Water Supply

Ballymakerra Public Drinking Water Supply

Year: 2018

Drinking Water Audit Report in respect of Audit carried out on 26/07/2018 at the Ballymakerra Water Supply Scheme.

Ballyboden Public Drinking Water Supply

Year: 2018

Drinking Water Audit Report in respect of Audit carried out on 19/7/2018 at the Ballyboden Water Treatment Plant and Reservoir Public Drinking Water Supply

Decision on End of Waste Criteria

Year: 2018

Decision of End-of-Waste criteria relating to LDPE