Progress to EU Waste Targets

Updated 27 October 2022

Ireland and other EU Member States are required to report under a range of European waste directives and regulations including the Waste Framework Directive, the Landfill Directive and the Producer Responsibility Directives (Packaging and Packaging Waste, End-of-Life Vehicles, Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment, Batteries and Accumulators). This includes information on waste generation and treatment and levels of compliance with recovery and recycling targets.  The EPA publishes information on Ireland’s compliance towards EU targets on the  National Waste Statistics webpages. Eurostat publishes waste data from all Member States to their Environmental Data Centre on Waste.  

The table below provides information on Ireland’s progress to meeting these targets. This table is updated as data are submitted to the Commission (reporting deadline is generally eighteen months after the end of the calendar year being reported on). Please note that all numbers are rounded to closest integer.



  • Table 1. Ireland's progress towards EU waste targets

    Open in Excel: EPA_Progress_to_EU_Targets_Aug2023_xl (XLS 11KB)

    Open in CSV : EPA_Progress_to_EU_Targets_Aug2023_csv (CSV 4KB)