Water Framework Directive: Characterisation Of Reference Conditions And Testing Of Typology Of Rivers

Final Report - ERTDI Report 31 - Kelly-Quinn et al , January 2005

Year: 2005

A survey of 50 sites previously classified as high quality by the EPA, to determine whether they were of high ecological status (and thus could be used as reference conditions) and to use these spatial reference sites to develop the river typology for the Water Framework Directive.

Endocrine Disruptors In The Irish Aquatic Environment - Final Report

Final Report (2000-MS-2-M2)- Tarrant et al , January 2005

Year: 2005

A study that asks whether Irish rivers contain estrogenic compounds. If so, at what concentrations? Are these levels likely to pose a threat to aquatic ecosystems, particularly wild fish? Is there a risk to drinking water supplies?

Endocrine Disruptors In The Irish Aquatic Environment - Final Report

Final Report (2000-MS-2-M2)- Tarrant et al , January 2005

Year: 2005

A study that asks whether Irish rivers contain estrogenic compounds. If so, at what concentrations? Are these levels likely to pose a threat to aquatic ecosystems, particularly wild fish? Is there a risk to drinking water supplies?

Eutrophication From Agricultural Sources: A Comparison Of SWAT, HSPF And SHETRAN/GOPC Phosphorus Models For Three Irish Catchments Final Report

Final Report (2000-LS-2.2.2-M2) - Nasr et al , January 2005

Year: 2005

Report on the use of modelling non-point phosphorus loss from rural catchments in terms of the Water Framework Directive (WFD) objectives. The study focuses on physically based catchment-scale models which to date have not been applied to model phosphorus losses in Ireland.

Environmental Attitudes And Behaviour: Values, Actions And Waste Management

Final report - Davies et al , January 2005

Year: 2005

Findings of the research project Environmental Attitudes and Behaviour: Values, Actions and Waste Management

Water Framework Directive: Identification And Ranking Of Nature Conservation Designated Areas, Where The Status Of Water Is An Important Factor

Final Report - ERTDI Report 24 - Ó Riain et al , January 2005

Year: 2005

The development of a methodology for identifying water-dependent habitats and hence protected areas with such habitats. It recorded these sites in digital form within a combined database and mapping system and recorded the water-dependent habitats and the species they contain.

The Macro-Economic Effects of Using Fiscal Instruments to Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions

ERTDI Report 21 - Bergin et al., May 2004

Year: 2004

Examines the proposal for a tax applied on the carbon content of all forms of energy consumed in Ireland.

Carbon Taxes: Which Households Gain Or Lose?

ERTDI Report 40 - Scott et al., May 2004

Year: 2004

Analyses the effects of the introduction of a carbon tax in order to see how it would affect different households. The report focuses especially on vulnerable households.

Water Framework Directive: Development Of A Methodology For The Characterisation Of Unpolluted Groundwater

Final Report (2002-W-DS/7-M1) - Buss et al , January 2004

Year: 2004

The principal aim of this project was to develop a methodology for the derivation of the natural background quality for Irish groundwater bodies (it was not the intention to determine the composition of pristine groundwater bodies). International groundwater characterisation methodologies were also reviewed.

Assessment And Development Of A Waste Prevention Framework For Ireland

Synthesis Report - ERTDI Report 22 - Coakley et al , January 2004

Year: 2004

Developing a framework for Ireland's waste prevention policies and programmes

Characterisation Of Non-Household Municipal Waste In Ireland And the Development Of An Approach To Tracking Municipal Waste Composition

Final Report - Hogan et al , January 2004

Year: 2004

Project to develop methodology for determining the waste character of non-household municipal waste nationally.

Waste Electrical And Electronic Equipment (WEEE) Collection Trials In Ireland

Synthesis Report - ERTDI report 19 - Wilkinson et al , January 2004

Year: 2004

Collection trials in five locations throughout Ireland in order to characterise and quantify WEEE arisings, and to examine outlets for collected WEEE.

An Investigation Into The Performance Of Subsoils And Stratified Sand Filters For The Treatment Of Wastewater From On-site System - Literature Review

Literature Review for project 2000-MS-15-M1 - Gill et al , January 2004

Year: 2004

Review of literature

Eutrophication From Agriculture Sources: Seasonal Patterns & Effects of Phosphorus

Final Report - ERTDI Report 13 - Jennings et al , May 2003

Year: 2003

Study of phosphate discharges to water bodies, as part of the large-scale study

Eutrophication From Agricultural Sources: Environmental Soil Phosphorus Test

Final Report - ERTDI Report 14 - K. Daly & A. Casey, May 2003

Year: 2003

This project on soil P testing questions conventional sample depth, sample pre-treatment, choice of extractant and extract ratios against a background of dissolved reactive P (DRP) and suspended solids (SS) concentrations monitored from the same sample sites.

Development Of Strategic Environmental Assessment (SEA) Methodologies For Plans And Programmes In Ireland

Synthesis Report - ERTDI report 18 - Scott et al , January 2003

Year: 2003

This research project aimed to develop an SEA (Strategic Environmental Assessment) methodology for the successful implementation of the SEA Directive.

Environmental Quality Objectives - Noise in Quiet Areas

Synthesis Report - ERTDI report 17 - Waugh et al , January 2003

Year: 2003

Research project to meet the requirements of Environmental Noise Directive. The primary aim of the project is to establish baseline data for Quiet Areas in Ireland.

Methodology For Assessment Of Hazardous Waste Disposal Sites

Synthesis Report - ERTDI Report 16 - Moran et al , January 2003

Year: 2003

Developing a methodology for identifying and undertaking risk assessments of sites where waste disposal or recovery activities have been carried on and implementing the necessary measures to prevent or limit any associated environmental pollution.

Assessment And Development Of A Waste Prevention Framework For Ireland

Final Report - ERTDI 22 - Coakley et al , January 2003

Year: 2003

Developing a framework for Ireland's waste prevention policies and programmes

Inventory of Dioxin and Furan Emissions to Air, Land and Water in Ireland for 2000 and 2010

ERTDI Report 3 – Hayes et al., July 2002

Year: 2002

Report by Fergus Hayes and Ian Marnane on dioxin and furan emissions, prepared as part of the Environmental Research Technological Development and Innovation Programme under the Productive Sector Operational Programme 2000–06.
