Resource-efficient Ireland – Biodegradable Plastic from Farm-waste Plastic

Year: 2013

This project looks at upcycling waste plastic from Irish farms to a more valuable biodegradable form of plastic.

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SIMBIOSYS: Sectoral Impacts on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services

Year: 2013

The SIMBIOSYS Project investigated the impacts that human activity have on biodiversity and ecological functioning, and the associated benefits of biodiversity to human society, that is, ecosystem services.

Water Joint Programming Initiative Pilot Call Pre-Announcement

REVISED Version, September 2013

Year: 2013

This Pilot Call for proposals aims to enable multi-national, collaborative research, development and innovation projects addressing the topic “Emerging water contaminants – anthropogenic pollutants and pathogens”.

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Coastal Climate Adaptation in Ireland

Assessing current conditions and enhancing the capacity for climate resilience in local coastal management. Climate Change Research Report Programme (CCRP) 2007 - 2013 Report Series No. 28, September 2013

Year: 2013

Looks at adaptation options and responses in the Cork area.

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Winners and Losers: Climate Change Impacts on Biodiversity in Ireland

Climate Change Research Programme (CCRP) 2007 - 2013 Report Series No. 19, September 2013

Year: 2013

Research report on climate change impacts on Biodiversity in Ireland, projecting changes and informing adaptation measures

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Current and Future Vulnerabilities to Climate Change in Ireland

Climate Change Research Programme (CCRP) 2007 - 2013 Report Series No. 29, September 2013

Year: 2013

Further research is required to identify critical thresholds or adaptation tipping points. The study recommends a fuller climate change risk assessment to better inform adaptation options.

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Climate Change Research Programme (CCRP) 2007 - 2013 Report Series No. 27, September 2013

Year: 2013

The work capitalises on the rich history and strengths of hydrometric monitoring and data collection conducted by the Environmental Protection Agency, the Office of Public Works and Local Authorities. The report provides analysis of signals of climate change in these data.

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Ireland's National Phenology Network (IE-NPN)

Climate Change Research Programme (CCRP) 2007 - 2013 Report Series No. 23, September 2013

Year: 2013

The study links increasing air temperature, particularly in Spring, to the earlier emergence of leaves which contributes to a longer growing season. However, trends in autumn, towards later leaf fall for example, were much less obvious possibly as day-length is a stronger environmental cue than temperature.

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Climate Change Impacts on Phenology: Implications for Terrestrial Ecosystems

Climate Change Research Programme (CCRP) 2007 - 2013 Report Series No. 22, September 2013

Year: 2013

The study links increasing air temperature, particularly in Spring, to the earlier emergence of leaves which contributes to a longer growing season. However, trends in autumn, towards later leaf fall for example, were much less obvious possibly as day-length is a stronger environmental cue than temperature.

Draft Terms of Reference for a Research Programme on the Environmental Impacts of UGEE

Document for Public Consultation, August 2013

Year: 2013

Draft Terms of Reference for a Research Programme on the Environmental Impacts of UGEE


STRIVE 101 - Flow Technology – A green technology with a bright future

STRIVE Report 101: Kieran Nolan, Alexander Yavorskyy, Michael Oelgemöller, Oksana Shvydkiv, July 2013

Year: 2013

Currently, for every 1kg of active pharmaceutical product produced between 25 and 100kg of waste is generated. This project looks at new technologies that reduce water and energy requirements, offering cost savings and improved product yield, with less waste gnerated.

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Climate Change Research Programme - Thematic areas and projects funded

Year: 2013

This brochure highlights projects funded under the EPA's Climate Change Research Programme to date.

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Governance and Climate Change - Making the transition to an adapted Ireland

CCRP 20: McGloughlin, J.S & Sweeney, J, July 2013

Year: 2013

This report presents an initial assessment of local authority climate change adaptation preparations.

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Integrated Biodoversity Impact Assessment - Streamlining AA, SEA and EIA Processes - Practicioner's Manual

Year: 2013

This practitioner’s manual provides step-by-step guidance on integrating processes for biodiversity impact assessment.

Water saving technologies to reduce water consumption and wastewater production

Year: 2013

Dr Donata Dubber and Dr Laurence Gill - Water saving technologies to reduce water consumption and wastewater production in Irish households

Summary of Findings - Towards a Green Net National Product for Ireland

Year: 2013

Summary of Findings - STRIVE Report 103

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Towards a Green Net National Product for Ireland

Year: 2013

STRIVE Report 103 - John Curtis et al.

Ecosystem Indicators for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)

MSFD-Support Research on OSPAR Ecological Quality Objectives, May 2013

Year: 2013

STRIVE Report 105 - Samuel Shephard, David G. Reid, Deirdre Brophy, Rick Officer and Ian O’Connor

Summary of Findings - Ecosystem indicators for the Marine Strategy Framework Directive (MSFD)

Authors: Samuel Shephard, Deirdre Brophy, Rick Officer, Ian O’Connor & David Reid, May 2013

Year: 2013

Summary of Findings - STRIVE Report 105

EPA Research Call 2013 documents

Year: 2013

Documents for EPA Research Call 2013
