Summary of Findings - Smart Catchment Demonstration: Long-term deployment of sensor monitoring system (DEPLOY)

STRIVE Report 82, January 2011

Year: 2011

Authors: Fiona Regan, Antóin Lawlor, Brendan O’Flynn and John Wallace. Lead Organisation: Dublin City University.

Summary of Findings - National Centre for Water and Wastewater Research and demonstration.

Treatment and monitoring of nutrients, odour and sludge at a Small Town Demonstration Wastewater Treatment System., January 2011

Year: 2011

Authors: Edmond O’Reilly, Eoghan Clifford, Michael Rodgers and Padraic O’Donoghue

National Centre for Water and Wastewater Research and Demonstration

STRIVE Report 78: Treatment and monitoring of nutrients, odour and sludge at a small-town demonstration wastewater treatment system, January 2011

Year: 2011

STRIVE Report 78-Edmond O’Reilly, Eoghan Clifford, Michael Rodgers and Padraic O’Donoghue. Lead Organisation: National University of Ireland Galway

strive 75

BOGLAND: Sustainable Management of Peatlands in Ireland-Final Report

Final report from the ERTDI project: 2004-CD-P1, January 2011

Year: 2011

STRIVE 75, Florence Renou-Wilson, Tom Bolger, Craig Bullock, Frank Convery, Jim Curry, Shane Ward, David Wilson, Christoph Müller, epa environmental protection agency, Sustainable Management of Peatlands in Ireland-Final Report, BOGLAND,


BOGLAND: Sustainable Management of Peatlands in Ireland - PROTOCOL DOCUMENT

Final report from the ERTDI project: 2004-CD-P1, January 2011

Year: 2011

STRIVE 76 - Florence Renou-Wilson, Tom Bolger, Craig Bullock, Frank Convery, Jim Curry, Shane Ward, David Wilson and Christoph Müller


CréBeo Soil Biodiversity Project

Baseline Data, Response to Pressures, Functions and Conservation of Keystone Micro- and Macro-Organisms in Irish Soils, January 2011

Year: 2011

STRIVE 67 - Olaf Schmidt, Aidan M. Keith, Julio Arroyo, Tom Bolger, Bas Boots, John Breen, Nicholas Clipson, Fiona M. Doohan, Christine T. Griffin, Christina Hazard and Robin Niechoj


Summary of Findings - Development of specific bacterial detoxification enzymes as bioindicators and biosensors of environmental pollution

Summary of Findings - STRIVE Report 72, January 2011

Year: 2011

Summary of Findings - STRIVE Report 72


Development of specific bacterial detoxification enzymes as bioindicators and biosensors of environmental pollution

Final Report for the STRIVE-funded project: 2007-FS-WRM-5-M5, January 2011

Year: 2011

STRIVE Report 72 - Martina McGuinness and David Dowling


A Study of Pay-by-Use Systems for Maximising Waste Reduction Behaviour in Ireland

Final Report for the STRIVE-funded project: 2008-WRM-MS-6-S , January 2011

Year: 2011

STRIVE Report 84 - Abigail O’Callaghan-Platt and Tadhg Coakley

Summary of Findings - CIT’s Sustainable Campus Programme

Author : Dr. Mary Purcell, Cork Institute of Technology , January 2011

Year: 2011

Author : Dr. Mary Purcell, Cork Institute of Technology

CCRP 6 thumbnail

Domestic Offsetting Scoping Study for Ireland

Climate Change Research Programme - CCRP Report 6, January 2011

Year: 2011

CCRP Report 6 - Siobhan O’Keeffe, Alyssa Gilbert and Kieran Lettice

CCRP 7 thumbnail

Barriers to Sustainable Transport in Ireland

Climate Change Research Programme - CCRP Report 7, January 2011

Year: 2011

CCRP Report 7 - David Browne, Brian Caulfield and Margaret O’Mahony

Climate Change Research Programme Projects and Fellowships awarded in 2011

Year: 2011

A list and description of all projects and fellowships awarded by the EPA's Climate Change Research Programme in 2011

STRIVE Report 62 thumbnail

Health Effects Associated with the Atmospheric Degradation of Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons

Report for the STRIVE-funded project: 2007-FS-EH-3-M5, July 2010

Year: 2010

STRIVE Report 62 - Shouming Zhou and John C. Wenger

CCRP Report 2 thumbnail

Inventories of Persistent Organic Pollutants in Ireland 1990 and 1995 - 2006

Climate Change Research Programme - CCRP Report 2, February 2010

Year: 2010

CCRP Report 2 - Mairead Creedon et al.

Past, current and future Interactions between pressures, chemicaL status and bioLogical qUality eleMents for lakes IN contrAsting catchmenTs in IrEland

Synthesis Report for the ERTDI-funded project: 2005-W-MS-40, January 2010

Year: 2010

STRIVE Report 59- Catherine Dalton, Eleanor Jennings, David Taylor, Barry O’Dwyer, Sarah Murnaghan, Kim Bosch, Elvira de Eyto, epa, environmental protection agency, STRIVE 59

Water Framework Directive – Integration, Negotiation and Communication of Optimal Measures with Stakeholders

Synthesis Report for the ERTDI-funded project: 2005-W-MS-37, January 2010

Year: 2010

STRIVE Report 54 - M. Bruen, M. Kelly, W. Magette, E. Gaffey, K. Kochanek, S. Bryan and R. Hallissey

IMPLANT: The Impact of Plant Nutrients on Primary Productivity in Running Waters: Evaluating the Risk to Stream Ecological Status

Synthesis Report for the ERTDI-funded project: 2005-W-MS-39, January 2010

Year: 2010

STRIVE Report 60 - Michael M. Sturt, Christian K. Dang, Marcel A.K. Jansen and Simon S.C. Harrison

Contaminant movement and attenuation along pathways from the land surface to aquatic receptors – A Review

Interim Report for the STRIVE-funded project: 2007-W-CD-1-S1, January 2010

Year: 2010

STRIVE Report 56 - M. Archbold, M. Bruen, J. Deakin, D. Doody, R. Flynn, M. Kelly-Quinn, B. Misstear and U. Ofterdinger

STRIVE Report 44 thumbnail

Ireland's Sustainable Development Model

Final Report for the ERTDI-funded project: 2006-SDM-LS-11-M2, January 2010

Year: 2010

STRIVE Report 47 - Seán Lyons and Richard S.J. Tol
