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Research 274: AgriBenchmark: Benchmarking Sustainable Nutrient Management on Irish Farms

Authors: Paul N.C. Murphy, Ian Thomas, Cathal Buckley, Edel Kelly, Emma Dillon and Thia Hennessy, April 2019

Year: 2019

AgriBenchmark explored the possibilities for benchmarking of nutrient management performance on Irish farms. Teagasc National Farm Survey (NFS) data (2008–2015; 1446 farms) was used to characterise and explore the potential for improvement of farm nutrient management performance and resultant aspects of environmental and economic sustainability through the derivation of three key performance indicators.

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Research 273: UNVEIL: Understanding Ventilation and radon in energy-efficient buildings in Ireland

Authors: James A. McGrath and Miriam A. Byrne , April 2019

Year: 2019

In Ireland, radon gas is considered the greatest source of radiation exposure to the general population, accounting for just over 55% of the average radiation dose and is recognised as the second leading cause of lung cancer after tobacco smoke. Each year in Ireland, exposure to radon is linked to approximately 250 cases of lung cancer.

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Research 272: Evaluation of Hand-held XRF for Screening Waste Articles for Exceedances of Limit Values for Brominated Flame Retardants.

Authors: Stuart Harrad, Daniel Drage, Mohamed Abdallah, Martin Sharkey and Harald Berresheim , March 2019

Year: 2019

Recent research has demonstrated the presence of restricted persistent organic pollutant (POP) brominated flame retardants (BFRs) in items such as children’s toys and food contact articles. As the presence of these contaminants in such items serves no useful purpose, they are thought to originate from the use of recycled plastics that were originally treated with BFRs.

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Research 271: Resource Efficiency in Priority Irish Business Sectors

Authors: Colman McCarthy, Safaa Al Tameemi, Colum Gibson, Tadhg Coakley and Dermot Cunningham , March 2019

Year: 2019

The purpose of this desk study was to identify and examine the most important manufacturing and service sectors from environmental and economic perspectives and from the perspective of potential for improvement in resource efficiency.

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Research 270: Air Quality Modelling for Ireland

Authors: Aoife Donnelly, Bruce Misstear and Brian Broderick, March 2019

Year: 2019

Air pollution is the primary environmental cause of premature death in the EU (EC, 2013) and the most problematic pollutants across Europe have consistently been oxides of nitrogen [e.g. nitrogen dioxide (NO2)], particulate matter (e.g. PM10, PM2.5) and ozone (O3).

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Research 269: Online Bioaerosol Sensing (OLBAS)

Authors: John Sodeau, David O’Connor, Patrick Feeney, Michael Quirke, Shane Daly, Mehael Fennelly, Paul Buckley, Stig Hellebust, Eoin McGillicuddy and John Wenger, February 2019

Year: 2019

This report presents a description of field and laboratory studies directed towards understanding the time behaviours of sources, removal pathways and number concentrations of airborne fungal spores and pollen.

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Research 267: High-resolution Gridded Datasets of Hydro-climate Indices for Ireland

Authors: Christopher Werner, Paul Nolan and Owen Naughton, February 2019

Year: 2019

This report describes the application of numerical weather prediction (NWP) simulations to develop high-quality, long-term, gridded climate datasets of hydro-climate variables for Ireland, covering the period 1981–2016.

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Research 266: Ground-based Remote-sensing Synergy for Cloud Properties and Aerosol-Cloud Interactions

Authors: Jana Preißler, Giovanni Martucci and Colin D. O’Dowd, February 2019

Year: 2019

Clouds and aerosols play an important part in climate processes; however, their interactions are not well understood. To study the effect of both natural marine and anthropogenic aerosols on clouds and cloud optical properties we looked at a mix of information from remote-sensing and in situ instruments from more than 6 years.

Numbers and types of communications made

2019 Communicating Research Info-graphic

Year: 2019

Infographic showing communications activities in 2020

EPA Research Infographic 2018 in numbers thumbnail

EPA Research Infographic: 2018 in Numbers

Year: 2019

This infographic gives information about the EPA Research Programme in 2018

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Research 265: Challenges of Transformative Climate Change Adaptation: Insights from Flood Risk Management

Authors: Darren Clarke and Conor Murphy., January 2019

Year: 2019

Increased attention is now being given to the need for transformative change in dealing with flood risks. This report addresses the lack of knowledge about the challenges associated with attempting transformative change, by drawing on findings from 11 flood risk management case studies across four European countries (Austria, France, Ireland and the Netherlands).

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Research 264: Green and Blue Spaces and Health: A Health-led Approach

Authors: Ronan Foley, Michael Brennan, Oludunsin Arodudu, Gerald Mills, Tine Ningal and Malachy Bradley., November 2018

Year: 2018

This research was based on a 12-month desk study that modelled, for identified sample sites, the relationships between health indicators and the availability of green and blue infrastructure (GBI). It provided a route to identify measurable effects and results from a cross-sectional and area-based study.

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Research 263: Reflecting on Adaptation to Climate Change: International Best Practice Review and National MRE and Indicator Development Requirements.

Authors: Kathrin Kopke, Evanna Lyons, Ellen MacMahon, Barry O’Dwyer and Jeremy Gault., November 2018

Year: 2018

Adaptation Preparedness Indicators for Ireland aims to identify draft adaptation indicator sets. The project carried out a review of international best practice to ascertain criteria and constraints relevant to adaptation indicator development in Ireland.

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Research 262: A Community Based Social Marketing Approach for Increased Participation in WEEE Recycling (ColectWEEE)

Authors: Katherine Casey, Maria Lichrou and Colin Fitzpatrick, November 2018

Year: 2018

This study explored human behaviour in relation to small WEEE recycling through 26 in-depth interviews with 30 participants; observations and casual conversations at a civic amenity site and waste collection event; and participant observation at 25 retailers. The study proposes a multi-pronged approach to social marketing campaigns with the aim of increasing participation in small WEEE recycling.

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Research 261: A National Roadmap for Water Stewardship in Industry and Agriculture in Ireland

Authors: Ken Stockil, Niall Keely, Maria Valle and Shane Merritt, October 2018

Year: 2018

Following extensive desk research and a process of national and international consultation, this report captures key lessons for Ireland in relation to water stewardship and outlines an integrated roadmap towards establishing the country as a leader in the adoption of water stewardship best practice at both national and local levels in the years ahead.

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Research 260: Impact of Cattle Access to Watercourses: Literature Review on Behalf of the COSAINT Project

Authors: Paul O’Callaghan, Mary Kelly-Quinn, Eleanor Jennings, Patricia Antunes, Matt O’Sullivan, Owen Fenton and Daire Ó hUallacháin., October 2018

Year: 2018

The primary objective of this literature review was to collate and assess the available literature on the environmental impact of cattle access to watercourses, with an emphasis on empirical research that is directly relevant to the environmental effects.

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Research 258: The Development of an Irish Climate Information Platform (ICIP) - Phase 3 (2015-2017)

Authors: Barry O’Dwyer, Mohammad Hashemi and Jeremy Gault, September 2018

Year: 2018

The global climate is changing as a result of human influences; the impacts of these changes are already being felt across all continents and oceans and are expected to continue and intensify for many decades to come.

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Research 259: Detection, Toxicology, Environmental Fate and Risk Assessment of Nanoparticles in the Aquatic Environment (DeTER)

Authors: Eoin McGillicuddy, Iain Murray, David Shevlin, Liam Morrison, Martin Cormican, Andrew Fogarty, Enda Cummins, Peter Dockery, Patrick Dunlop, Neil Rowan and Dearbháile Morris, September 2018

Year: 2018

Nanotechnology is an emerging technology that has the potential to impact on all aspects of life and the economy and is expected to form the basis of several technological innovations and advances in the 21st century.

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Research 250: Vulnerability Assessment of Peatlands: Exploration of Impacts and Adaptation Options in Relation to Climate Change and Extreme Events (VAPOR)

Authors: Florence Renou-Wilson and David Wilson, September 2018

Year: 2018

The climate changes predicted for Ireland by the end of the 21st century will have significant impacts on drained, rewetted and natural peatland systems. The VAPOR project was established to inform a transition to a climate-resilient Ireland by providing science-based information on the vulnerability of peatlands to climate change, including extreme weather events.

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Research 257: An Operational Climate Information Platform for Ireland: Summary Report

Authors: Alastair McKinstry and Eoin McHugh, August 2018

Year: 2018

Information on climate change and options for adaptation can be complex and inaccessible to key stakeholders and decision makers. This project has developed an Operational Climate Information Platform (OCIP) to disseminate the current data and guidance on climate change for Ireland. The OCIP is scalable, maintainable and can be continuously updated with new data that are generated from operational observation systems and research.
