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Research 139: Climate Status Report Compilation Guidelines

Year: 2015

The aim of this document is to give guidance on the compilation of a periodic climate status report, based on the experience of compiling the 2013 edition.

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Research Report 135: The Development of an Irish Climate Information Platform (ICIP)

Year: 2015

Currently, there is a large body of work on current and anticipated impacts of climate change for Ireland, and it is now considered that there is a robust knowledge base on which to begin the process of adaptation planning (Desmond et al., 2009).

UGEE JRP - Tasks Update 15/07/2015

Year: 2015

The UGEE Joint Research Programme is a comprehensive programme of research and there are many elements to it (some baseline analysis & desk –based literature reviews). Further details on the research programme are currently available on a dedicated website This document is an update on the status of the tasks of the UGEE JRP, as of 15/07/2015.

UGEE JRP - List of organisations carrying out the UGEE JRP tasks

Year: 2015

The UGEE Joint Research Programme is a comprehensive programme of research and there are many elements to it (some baseline analysis & desk –based literature reviews). Further details on the research programme are currently available on a dedicated website

UGEE JRP - Tasks Status Update 22/12/2015

Year: 2015

The UGEE Joint Research Programme is a comprehensive programme of research and there are many elements to it (some baseline analysis & desk –based literature reviews). Further details on the research programme are currently available on a dedicated website This document is an update on the status of the tasks of the UGEE JRP, as of 22/12/2015.

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Research 138: CONSENSUS: Consumption, Environment and Sustainability

Year: 2015

The CONSENSUS research project conducted foundational and exploratory research to establish the parameters of debates and actions within the field internationally and across Ireland.

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Research 142: Pharmaceuticals in the Aquatic Environment

Year: 2015

This report aims to collate the knowledge base by documenting what is currently known and understood about pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment and their potential impacts on aquatic biota and ultimately humans.

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Research 142: Pharmaceuticals in the Aquatic Environment

Year: 2015

This report aims to collate the knowledge base by documenting what is currently known and understood about pharmaceuticals in the aquatic environment and their potential impacts on aquatic biota and ultimately humans.

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Research 146 Design out Waste Factsheets

Year: 2015

This study has moved the focus towards the top of the waste hierarchy by investigating the implementation of waste reduction strategies during the design and construction phases of two selected case studies, through a close collaboration with Scott Tallon Walker Architects and John Sisk & Son.

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Research 146 - A Review of Design and Construction Waste Management Practices in Selected Case Studies – Lessons Learned

Year: 2015

This study has moved the focus towards the top of the waste hierarchy by investigating the implementation of waste reduction strategies during the design and construction phases of two selected case studies, through a close collaboration with Scott Tallon Walker Architects and John Sisk & Son.

EPA Research Call 2015 Documents

Year: 2015

This page contains all of the documents related to the 2015 Research Call

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Research 143: Pharmaceuticals in the Irish Aquatic Environment

Year: 2015

The overall aim of this project was to combine chemical and biological analyses in an integrated assessment of the extent and the effects of pharmaceutical pollution in the Irish aquatic environment, with the ultimate aim of developing a simple bioassay for the fast, reliable identification and toxicological assessment of pharmaceuticals in environmental samples.

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Research 143: Pharmaceuticals in the Irish Aquatic Environment

Year: 2015

The overall aim of this project was to combine chemical and biological analyses in an integrated assessment of the extent and the effects of pharmaceutical pollution in the Irish aquatic environment, with the ultimate aim of developing a simple bioassay for the fast, reliable identification and toxicological assessment of pharmaceuticals in environmental samples.

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Research 153: Identifying the Biological and Geographical Origins of Faecal Contamination

Year: 2015

The aim of this project was to develop a tool box, Microbial Source Tracking (MST), to enable water quality managers to identify the biological and geographical sources of faecal pollution of water bodies.

Research 153: Identifying the Biological and Geographical Origins of Faecal Contamination

Year: 2015

The aim of this project was to develop a tool box, Microbial Source Tracking (MST), to enable water quality managers to identify the biological and geographical sources of faecal pollution of water bodies.

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Research 152: Cryptosporidiosis: Human, animal and environmental interface

Year: 2015

The aim of this study was to investigate the monthly prevalence of Cryptosporidium in farm animals during March–June over two years in two catchments – the Liffey and Lough Gill – in the east and west of Ireland.

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Research 152: Cryptosporidiosis: Human, animal and environmental interface

Year: 2015

The aim of this study was to investigate the monthly prevalence of Cryptosporidium in farm animals during March–June over two years in two catchments – the Liffey and Lough Gill – in the east and west of Ireland.

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Research 151: CapE-Capture, Extract, Amplify: A rapid method for monitoring large water volumes for pathogenic contaminants

Year: 2015

This 2-year research and development project focused on validating a rapid and convenient method for screening large volumes of water for the presence of VTEC.

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Research 151: CapE-Capture, Extract, Amplify: A rapid method for monitoring large water volumes for pathogenic contaminants

Year: 2015

This 2-year research and development project focused on validating a rapid and convenient method for screening large volumes of water for the presence of VTEC.

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Research 150: Assessment of exposure to metallic nanoparticles, focusing on silver on marine and fresh water model organisms at a cellular and genetic level

Year: 2015

With the advent of industrial utilisation of ENMs, it is now of the utmost importance that exposure risk scenarios in relation to increasing and unnatural NPs, where their function and interaction with their environment is unpredictable, are monitored, assessed and, if required, that regulatory guidelines are implemented early in their application.
