Groundwater Protection Responses to the Landspreading of Organic Waste - Summary

Response Matrix for Landspreading, January 2013

Year: 2013

This is a summary of the requirements as set out in the Groundwater Protection Response for the landspreading of organic waste.

Protection Of Groundwater When Siting Landfills

Year: 2013

Criteria that should be considered when selecting sites for non-hazardous waste landfills.

Protection Of Groundwater From The Landspreading Of Organic Wastes

Year: 2013

Guidelines on protecting groundwater from the landspreading of organic wastes. Many of these wastes are potentially beneficial to crops, but they are also potentially polluting and can present a risk to groundwater quality.

Landfill Manuals - Landfill Site Design thumbnail

Landfill Manuals: Landfill Site Design

Year: 2013

This document details the unsatisfactory standards in the operation of landfills. Significant improvements are required if Ireland is to meet the higher standards proposed in the national legislation and EU directives. It states that how landfills are managed will be a lithmus test for overall waste management policy.

Landspreading Of Organic Waste

Guidance on Groundwater Vulnerability Assessment Of Land, January 2013

Year: 2013

Guide on how to assess groundwater vulnerability from landspreading of organic waste.

Information On The Irish Environmental Protection Agency’s Decision To Classify

Year: 2013

In August 2005, the Environmental Protection Agency made the decision that the import of used railway sleepers should not be regarded as a waste provided that certain conditions were met. Due to what is deemed an excessive import of sleepers and potential illegal use issues, the EPA has classified used railway sleepers as a waste.

S.I. No. 508 of 2009 Waste Management (Food Waste) Regulations 2009

Year: 2013

These regulations are designed to promote the segregation and beneficial use of food waste arising in the commercial sector. The Regulations were signed by the Minister for the Environment in December 2009.

Environmental Considerations Arising From The Use Of Baled Tyres

Year: 2013

This study was done in response to the use of baled tyres in engineering works, e.g. road construction over soft ground (wetlands). This is a recent activity in Ireland, but is a practice that has been used for some years in other countries.

S.I. No 286 of 2009 Waste Management (Prohibition of Waste Disposal by Burning) Regulations 2009

Waste Management (Prohibition of Waste Disposal by Burning) Regulations 2009, January 2013

Year: 2013

S.I. No. 286 of 2009 Regulations strengthen the law against waste disposal by uncontrolled burning, (so-called backyard burning). The Regulations were signed by Minister Gormley on 4th September 2009.

Code of Practice - Waste Activities thumbnail

Code of Practice for the Development of an Enforcement Policy for Unauthorised Waste Activities

Year: 2013

This code of practice is primarily aimed at environmental regulators and provides guidance on developing enforcement policies to deal with unauthorised waste. It will also be of interest to our other stakeholders including waste operators and the general public.

Circular WP 12/09 accompanying Food Waste Regulations (S.I. 508 of 2009)

Year: 2013

This circular was issued by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government in December 2009 to explain the purpose of the Waste Management (Food Waste) Regulations 2009.

Circular WP 18/10 regarding Food Waste Regulations Awareness

Year: 2013

This circular was issued by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government in June 2010 on support measures for raising awareness of the Waste Management (Food Waste) Regulations 2009.

Supplementary paper on the use of tyre bales in above ground installations - Final position on end-of-waste status for tyre bales

Year: 2013

Supplementary paper on the use of tyre bales in above ground installations - Final position on end-of-waste status for tyre bales

Summary Report - Landfill Gas Emissions and Management Systems thumbnail

Summary Report - Independent Assessment of Landfill Gas Emissions and Management Systems at 29 EPA Licensed Landfills in the Republic of Ireland

Year: 2013

This report summarises the findings from gas surveys undertaken during 2009 at 29 Irish landfills. The report compares the findings of the 2009 surveys with surveys conducted in 2008 and sets out the key issues identified at the landfills. A series of recommendations are made for improving gas management practices at landfills.

Final position on end-of-waste status for recycled gypsum

Year: 2013

Final position on end-of-waste status for recycled gypsum

EPA Site Investigation Worked Example

Year: 2013

A worked example of the application of the EPA Code of Practice Matrices

How to read the Matrices

Year: 2013

A Manual on how to read the matrices

EPA COP Matrix 1

Year: 2013

Guidance for preliminary and exploratory investigations for all unregulated waste disposal sites

EPA COP Matrix 2

Year: 2013

Guidance for main site investigation requiremetns for moderate and high risk unregulated waste disposal sites

Management of Low Levels of Landfill Gas thumbnail

Management of Low Levels of Landfill Gas

Year: 2013

This report provides information on the availability, appropriateness and cost of a range of techniques for managing low levels of landfill gas