Year: 2013
Supplementary paper on the use of tyre bales in above ground installations - Final position on end-of-waste status for tyre bales
Year: 2013
This report summarises the findings from gas surveys undertaken during 2009 at 29 Irish landfills. The report compares the findings of the 2009 surveys with surveys conducted in 2008 and sets out the key issues identified at the landfills. A series of recommendations are made for improving gas management practices at landfills.
Year: 2013
Final position on end-of-waste status for recycled gypsum
Year: 2013
A worked example of the application of the EPA Code of Practice Matrices
Year: 2013
Guidance for preliminary and exploratory investigations for all unregulated waste disposal sites
Year: 2013
Guidance for main site investigation requiremetns for moderate and high risk unregulated waste disposal sites
Year: 2013
This report provides information on the availability, appropriateness and cost of a range of techniques for managing low levels of landfill gas
Year: 2013
This worked example was presented to the landfill operators at the 01st of March, 2012 at the Landfill Gate Fee workshop. Please note that this is based on the draft financial model that was issued for consultation.
Year: 2013
A workshop was held on the 01st of March 2012, on compliance with Section 53A of the Waste Management Act 1996 (as amended). The purpose of the workshop was to demonstrate the use of the financial model to the operators. Below are the presentations delivered on the day. EPA Presentation
Year: 2013
A workshop was held on the 01st of March 2012, on compliance with Section 53A of the Waste Management Act 1996 (as amended). The purpose of the workshop was to demonstrate the use of the financial model to the operators. Below are the presentations delivered on the day. Aria Presentation
How to make an environmental complaint, January 2013
Year: 2013
This leaflet explains who you should contact and what you can do to help resolve environmental problems
Year: 2012
The purpose of this report is to set out the relevant findings of a nationwide investigation by the EPA’s Office of Environmental Enforcement (OEE) on the nature and extent of unauthorised waste management activities in Ireland from the period 1996 onward.
Year: 2012
Drinking Water Audit Report in respect of Audit carried out on 15/11/2012 at the Leixlip Public Drinking Water Supply.
Year: 2012
Organisations known to the RPII who may be of assistance in relation to the disposal radioactive sources (sealed and unsealed) and X-ray equipment.
Year: 2012
Excel spreadsheet for Urban Waste Water Treatment Plants for Enviornmental Liabilities Risk Assessment
Year: 2011
Guidance for Screening of Priority Substances
Year: 2011
This manual is a revision of the 1998 EPA Disinfection Manual. The updated manual has been revised to reflect best practice in drinking water disinfection and the supervisory role of the EPA. It provides practical guidance in plant operation, management, maintenance and supervision as well as an overview of the current disinfection technologies available.
Year: 2011
Guidance document for operators, regulatory authorities and the public in relation to the Environmental Liability Directive and the European Communites (Environmental Liability) Regulation 2008, (Statutory Instrument 547 of 2008) and Act
Year: 2011
Guidelines for the management of x-ray units at end-of-life.