SEA Process

 The steps involved in SEA are:

Updated SEA Process Chart
  • Screening (determining whether or not SEA is required) 
  • Scoping (determining the range of environmental issues to be covered by the SEA) 
  • The preparation of an Environmental Report 
  • The carrying out of consultations 
  • The integration of environmental considerations into the Plan or Programme 
  • The publication of information on the decision (SEA Statement)

Notifying the EPA in relation to SEA 

Under the SEA Regulations, the EPA must be consulted: 

  • On all plans/programmes/strategies where the requirements of the SEA Directive apply.  
  • At each stage of the SEA process: (screening, scoping and draft plan/environmental report stages). 

Please send all SEA notifications and and SEA-related queries to: (note: please do not use the email address when contacting the SEA Team). See the Key SEA Contacts page for further details on contacting the EPA SEA Team.  

When requesting advice or feedback, you can help us to make a timely response by providing certain information with your notices as follows:


Provide a brief outline of the Plan/Programme (or modification) along with relevant background information and the geographical location nationally and locally. This can be by way of a Screening Statement. GIS-based maps would be helpful (see below for more on GIS). Your Screening Statement should include your SEA screening determination which must take into account the relevant criteria set out in Annex II of the SEA Directive or either Schedule 1 of S.I No. 435 of 2004 or Schedule 2A of S.I No. 436 of 2004, as appropriate. Screening Statements should be submitted electronically to


Provide the proposed scope and level of detail of the information to be contained in the Environmental Report. This can be by way of a Scoping Report. The information required is set out in Annex I of the SEA Directive and either Schedule 2 of S.I No. 435 of 2004 or Schedule2B of S.I No. 436 of 2004, as appropriate.  A web link for the Plan or Programme being prepared, reviewed or modified should also be provided. Scoping Reports should be submitted electronically to

Environmental report 

Please submit the Draft Plan and SEA Environmental Report electronically to Additional hard copies can also be submitted by post (see Key SEA Contacts page for postal address).

Modifications to plans/programmes 

Any proposed modifications to a Plan should be subject to SEA screening, Appropriate Assessment (AA) screening and other obligations as necessary. Details of proposed modifications, including relevant maps, should be submitted electronically to

SEA statement 

Your SEA Statement (Information on Decision) should be submitted electronically to when the Plan or Programme has been formally adopted. 

Transboundary consultations 

See SEA Contacts for the details of Environmental Authorities in other jurisdictions.